Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Camp Clearing


  1. *Frostpaw licked her pure white stunning fur, her blue eyes sparkling. If she was peaceful she sure would have looked like a SoulClan cat, but inside her hate fort oms and good keeps growing each day.*

  2. Woodcut padded up to Frostpaw, looking rather annoyed. "Lets get this over with." he meowed. "Battle training. If we finish quick enough, I might be able to do something usefull with my time."

  3. *Frostpaw grunted,* YEah, and I might get my grooming done! *She got up and glared at Woodcut, so he was evil? He was a tom! Toms are sent by STarClan to annoy wonderful she-cats, like me.*

  4. Woodcut sighed. "Just move your tail." he meowed. "We're going to the training hallow, and please, walk quickly. At your speed, we might get the TOMMARROW!"

  5. *Frostpaw got up and grumbled ahead of Woodcut.*

  6. leafsong and mousefoot share togue near the warriors den.waiting for patrols to be made.
