Wednesday, December 29, 2010

G Nursury


  1. poppycloud watches the kits as they play.she thought about her own kits,dead now and felt a tear roll down her cheek.she imidiently brushed her flyff tail over it and turned her attention to the kits.

  2. He glanced at his denmates sadly. He was so far away from his littermate. He lcosed his eyes, hoping the hurt would go away when he reopened.. but it didn't it just grew.

  3. Lightleaf layed in her nest, far in the corner away from the other cats. SHe remembered her mate, the evil murderer. SHe shivered at the thought.

  4. poppycloud glanced at greykit and paded over to him.she licked the top of his head."i know things might seem bad now but remember theres always a rainbow at the end of a storm."she mewed softly to him.
