Sunday, January 2, 2011


Stallionstar leaped onto the Soul Stone, and gather her clan together. "Galaxyclan has been stealing our prey!" she called out to her clan.
All the clan started talking. "How do we know its them?" she heard someone call over the crowd.
Stallionstar lashed her tail angrily. "I've found prey with Galaxyclan scent inside our borders!"
A hush fell over the clan.
Stallionstar paused, then growled, "I will bring Shadowriver, Owlflight, Rowanfur, Reedfish, Skysong, Stargaze, Tsunamistorm, Foxclaw, Coyotepaw, Dovepaw, and Stormpaw! We will depart IMMEADIATLY!"

Sometime later...

The cats of Soulclan arrived at the Galaxyclan camp, and invaded with a yowl.(ALL Galaxyclan cats may fight!)