Sunday, January 2, 2011


Stallionstar leaped onto the Soul Stone, and gather her clan together. "Galaxyclan has been stealing our prey!" she called out to her clan.
All the clan started talking. "How do we know its them?" she heard someone call over the crowd.
Stallionstar lashed her tail angrily. "I've found prey with Galaxyclan scent inside our borders!"
A hush fell over the clan.
Stallionstar paused, then growled, "I will bring Shadowriver, Owlflight, Rowanfur, Reedfish, Skysong, Stargaze, Tsunamistorm, Foxclaw, Coyotepaw, Dovepaw, and Stormpaw! We will depart IMMEADIATLY!"

Sometime later...

The cats of Soulclan arrived at the Galaxyclan camp, and invaded with a yowl.(ALL Galaxyclan cats may fight!)


  1. Riverstalker instantly leaped into battle pinned down Dovepaw*

    Shadowriver looked at Riverstalker attacking her clanmate and leaped on him nocking him off the apprentice*

    Coyotepaw lept onto an silver tabby apprentice and bit down hard on her shoulder*

    Foxclaw looked at Riverstalker sensing something strange she had never felt before*

    Riverstalker kicked hard against the she-cat and kicking her off lept on top of her and bit hard on her front paw nearly crushing the bones*

    Foxclaw lept onto Riverstalker with fury and glared at him in the eyes*

    Riverstalker full with fury glared back but his eyes saw something in the warriors eyes diferent from fury*

    Foxclaw looked deep into Riverstalkers eyes and gasped*

    Coyotepaw hearing Foxclaw lept off the apprentice and stoped short*

    Shadowriver lept back into battle and pinned down Woodcut and bit hard on his front leg*

  2. Woodcut ripped Shadowriver off of him, and grabbed her by the neck/scruff. He swung hard, bashing her against the ground.

  3. shadowriver snarled and lept up pushing woodcut to the ground hard sinking her teeth deep into his back clawing untill she get a good grip and hung on not letting go and staying there*

    coyotepaw looked at the fighting cats and backed away scared*

  4. Woodcut reared up on his back legs, and slammed down on his back, knocking thw wind out of Shadowriver. He slashed her underbelly, then clawed accross her face.

    Freezepaw growled, and attacked Coyotepaw.

  5. (i would like to change riverstalker to female. i cant remember riverstalker as a male!)

    coyotepaw sliped out of the way and teased "missed me, missed me now ya got to catch me!!!!" and ran around the fighting cats making it impossible to get caught and tiring out freezepaw* (did i add she is really good at running fast for a long time when i put in her personality?)

    shadowriver shoke her head and lept over woodcut spining around slicing and backing away with out getting another scratch and confussing her enemy*

    riverstalker stalked around looking for her target*

    foxclaw's eyes searched the clans and found the target, a tortoishell and white she-cat and lept on her claws out bowling the she-cat over and raking razor sharp claws over her belly*

    riverstalker finding her target lept onto him with claws outstretched and landed on him has he fell under her waight and she looked down into his eyes her own eyes blazing with the heat of the battle (any one can chose if it is his/her cat! but the first one who claims as the male she attacked is the one for good!!!!!!)

  6. (U know, u cant really make ur cats invincible. they have to be wounded sometime, somehow. They cant be impossible to catch or unable to be wounded)

    Tsunamistorm fought back against Riverstalker, hated blue eyes filled with hatred. He ripped upwards, slashing open her belly and scarring her. He pins her, being stronger and better at strategy.

    Woodcut growls with anger, and ripps open large gashes in Shadowriver's side, dodging attacks.

    Freezepaw uses his strategy skills, making ot look like he gave up before leaping on Coyotepaw, clawing deep wounds in her face.

  7. (ya but she is just very fast. she hates fighting is why.)

    coyotepaw yowled in pain and she looked at freezepaw with eyes that begged to be let go, that said she hated having been chosen to fight and she hated the fight*

    riverstalker gave the warrior a problem by kicking up hard and scoring her claws deep into his belly and with her front claws digging into his chest heaved herself over him before he could react and on his back tore his back and lept off him pushing hard with her hind feet knocking the warrior over*

    shadowriver looks at woodcut and her eyes changed from the light of fire to a slow steady creek then turned away and dashed into the bushes*

    a pair a gleaming amber eyes glittered in the bushes*

  8. Freezepaw felt no mercy to Coyotepaw. "If you didnt want to fight, you shouldnt have stolen our prey!" he hissed, and fought harder.

    Tsunamistorm rolled, wounding Riverstalker's soulder. He reared up, and brought his weight down hard on her shoulders, an often killing blow.

    Woodcut growled, only a weakling ran from battle. He glared at the eyes, but kept on fighting, not reconizing what clan they were from or is the were Shadowriver's.

  9. coyotepaw tilted her head then mewed "i did not do it. i dont know why i was chosen to fight but i hate it!" her eyes looking puzzeled she did not try to defend her clan*

    riverstalker sliped out of the way just a second before tsunamistorm landed and landed a harsh blow on his flank as she whirled around*

    shadowriver slyly circaled the fighting warriors untill she was behind woodcut and lept on his shoulders raking her claws down his back and biting down hard on his shoulder*

    the amber eyes disapeared from view but a bit of black fur showed through the bushes thick leaves and branches*

  10. Freezepaw growls, "Your weak! You want to run from battle! Defend your caln's actions, or flee like a frightend kittypet!"

    Tsunamistorm circled, and again used a deathblow, hitting her.

    Woodcut growled, and flipped onto his back, crushing Shadowriver under his weight. He claws her ears, and face.

  11. for coyotepaw this was to much and she snarled leaping on freezepaws shoulders nocking her down and bit down hard on her shoulder refusing to let go and snarling through a mouthful of fur "I AM NO KITTYPET YOU STUPID ROCKBRAIN! I COME FORM A FOX DEN FULLY TRAINED YOU KNOW!"

    riverstalker sliped to the side getting only a small scratch and scored her claws against tsunamistorm's flank*

    suddenly a black cat burst from the shadows and lept onto woodcut and tore his flank*

    shadowriver shocked at first then lept at woodcut and tore his belly*

    the two cats faught side by side and clawed woodcut up easly now dodging his blows and hitting him with their blows*


    Woodcut fought back, and left both cats almost dead. His blows were IMPOSSIBLE TO DODGE, and he death-bit both cats.

    Freezepaw reared around, death-blowing her. he DID NOT MISS.

    Tsunamistorm faought strongly, and knocked the breath out of Coyotepaw, and pinned her, MAKING IT IMPOSSIBLE TO FIGHT BACK IN ANY WAY.



  14. (Fine. I warned you twice, and you broke the rules again. You are banned, and your cats will be deleted, along with all your comments.)

  15. He leaped into battle clawing while he passed cats, trying to help his clanmates. He then spotted a silver she-cat and leaped, claws extended. "Teach you to steal from my territory!" He spat not knowing it was his sister.

    She crumbled as she felt someone leap onto her. She yowled in pain as she felt claws dig deep in her skin. She yowled for help, her eyes dulling with pain.

    She looked around to see if any of her clanmates needed help.

    He raced over to Stallionstar. "Is it safe knowing we are out numbered. Maybe we should get more cats from camp." He suggested.

    (Sorry about being inactive, i dont have internet, but i'll ask my cousin to go on and comment for me)

  16. (Its fine. I understand.)

    Freezepaw yowled, and ran, knocking Stormpaw off Mistpaw. He clawed at Stormpaw angrily.

    Stallionstar nodded. "Send Cinderfrost to get any other cat who wants to come."

  17. mousefoot attacked the closest soulclan cat.
    she scartched it and bit at it.

    leafsong attacked reedfish her claws dare this cat entre her territory!she clawed at him and jumped away to see his next move before snaping at his paws.

    poppycloud stood infront of the nursery.snarling.if anyone dared come near she would shred them.

  18. *Stargaze was barrrled over by a white apprentice, this apprentice had fury in her eyes and she clawed with feirce intenstions.* (Man! I can't spell intenetions!)

    *Owlflight raced to her sister but a cat knocked her over,* )That can be any cat)

    *Frostpaw purred as the warrior from SoulClan was bleeding o the ground, she was wirthering in pain.*

  19. mousefoot clawed even deeper into owlflight.she nipped quickly at her paws.

  20. *Owlflight yowled and felt inner strength, she pushed up with all her might making Mousefoot stumble off her and she raced to save her sister, yowling in pain from this white apprentice.*

  21. mousefoot hissed but fallowed owlflight's gaze."frostpaw an honorable warrior does not need to kill other cats to win her battles."she yowled angrly,then she raced after owlflight.

  22. (uh, you know the cats of GalaxyClan are sort of, evil?)

    *Frostpaw muttered,* Killing cats is what we must do... *She leaped on Owlflight and brought her down.*

  23. [sorta..but if you look at the discription of there leader and clan it says only that they hate soulclan.i made sure it before commenting,there not that evil.]

    mousefoot shook her head but attacked anouther warrior.

  24. *Owlflight growled and threw Frostpaw at the cave wall and raced to claw any warrior that went near her wounded sister.*

    *Frostpaw lied there, out cold.*

  25. (Neither clan is evil. Just different opinions. There isnt even any proof that Galaxyclan stole the prey)

    Dewpaw leaped on Frostpaw, annoyed at how she had been fighting, and even though she was down, clawed at her flank.

  26. mousefoot,hissed and leaped at dewpaw bating him away her claws sheathed just enought to make him leave froftpaw alone."her clan will punish her not you."she hissed

  27. Dewpaw growled, bristling. "Who are you to tell me how to fight?" he hissed, and fought her. He shreaded her side, and pinned her by the neck.

  28. "at least i wouldn't attack a deveclis cat."she hissed.clawing at dewpaw.

  29. Dewpaw bit deep into her neck, clawing at her pelt.

  30. mousefoot hissed clawing at his underbelly,she struggled free just before she began to get dizzy she shook her head and aimed a quick swipe at dewpaw ,just managing to hit his side.taking a good look at the apprentice she frowned,he was almost ready to be a warrior.she stood a paw step back waiting to devend herself against his next attack thought barly managing not to fall.

    [she's dizzy from the blood she loss because of dewpaw's bite.]

  31. Dewpaw reared up on his hind legs, taking a serise of quick swipes at Mousefoot, then biting down hard on her neck, harder than before.

    Woodcut saw Mousefoot's plight, and raced over snarling. He was already cut up pretty bad from battle, and one of his eyes were swolen shut, making him no match for the healthier apprentice.

  32. mousefoot felt releif rrush to her paws as woodcut came to her rescue,thought her relief didn't last long.she leaped at the apprentice pinning him but not for a few moments she would be to weak to old him down."now woodcut!"she yowled,thought half of her still hoped that her would go easy on the apprentice.

  33. Woodcut bit Dewpaw's neck, enough to make him relize that he meant buisness, but no more.

    Dewpaw prepared for a death move, tired of being picked on by other cats.

    Woodcut saw what Dewpaw was planning. "NO!" he yowled, and shouldered Mousefoot off, taking the force of the blow. He was thrown off, blood pouring from giant wounds as he crumpled to the ground his eyes closed.

  34. Frostpaw's eyes shot open and she leaped on Dewpaw and pinned him? (not sure XD) down. "Leave my mentor alone!" She felt fury and clawed his belly hoping to leave a serious scar. She leaped off him and stared at her wounds on her pelt. How did they get there? Before she could react to her wounds Owlflight pounced on Frostpaw and they tumbled, looking equal in size. Owlflight growled at Frostpaw, "Why did you give my sister mortal wounds!" Frostpaw snarled at Owlflight, "Why are you attacking an apprentice!" Owlflight stepped off her and gave Frostpaw one last glance and raced off to calw another GalaxtClan warrior.

    (So this is just a skirmish?)

  35. [no i don't think so...]

    mousefoot looked over at woodcut.he took these wounds for me.she thought.taking a look around camp,she yowled,"goldenpaw!"

  36. (Not really....Its started that way though...)

    Goldenpaw run up, carrying cobwebs and healing herbs. She saw Woodcut, and meowed, "Take him to my den. WE cant risk him being attacked again." she looked Mousefoot over aswell. "Youve lost alot of blood. Its not safe for you either."

  37. mousefoot noded and bent down to grasp woodcut gently by the scruff before bigining to drag him tawards goldenpaw's den.

  38. Goldenpaw helped, And layed him down in a moss nest, instructing Mousefoot to another. She looked over Woodcut. "Theres alot of swelling in his shoulder, and his front legs are both broken. SHe looked over Mousefoot. "I dont think that anythings broken, but some bad scars and massive blood loss." she gave/applied herbs to both of them.

    Woodcut moaned and opened his eyes groggily. "What...happen?" he asked.

  39. Frostpaw screeched filling the camp with a deafened scream while Dewpaw slashed her neck and she tumbled and hit the camp wall her neck bleeding.

  40. mousefoot noded thought frostpaw's screech unerved her.
